Perfection Floor Tile

♦ Requests & Comments

Perfection Floor Tiles
Please complete the form below. Be sure to let us know where you are planning on using Flexi-Tile or HomeStyle and what style you have in mind. This will help us find just the right product for your application.
Thank you for your interest in Perfection - Flexi-Tile!

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All fields marked with a * are required:

First Name*


Last Name

Company Name


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Zip Code*

Where are you thinking about using Flexitile?


What Style are you thinking about using; Coin, Diamond, HomeStyle, Textured, or Perfection??


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Perfection Floor Tile ♦ Made in the USA
4009 E. 138th Street, GrandView, MO 64030 USA      |      Office 816.765.7301 - Fax 816.765.7345      |      © 2013 PFT, Inc.

Website development by MnM